Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cell Organelle

At first when I thought about this blog I want to be a cell walls because that is one of a first thing a Sparta student learns about the structure of a plant cell are cell walls and that they are strong and somewhat flexible. I thought that would be most like me because I am one tough cookie and go with the flow and can do a back bend (flexible). Recently I have changed my mind to… Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum because it modifying, sorting, and transporting proteins. I think I would like to modify proteins to my liking, and sorting different proteins seem like it would be an easy job. I also know I would like to transport proteins because in real life I love to travel A LOT and transporting proteins would be like a step under that... you would think, right? The one thing I would not like about being Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum,is looking like it. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum looks old and bumpy, like cracky old hands dipped in oatmeal. 

 Bloggity blogg blogg. (:

Monday, February 20, 2012

Lab Enzyme

I really did not like this lab because it seem like my group had the hardest time.The first day are burette did not work and also the lab we had was missing a lot of different beakers and the ones that were there were not clean. Then the next day we had the drippy burette so that was not that big of a deal but it was just a pain in the butt. But the last day was a good day beside the last two test we didnt have enough time to finish it. So i guess it was all and touch and go kinda thing.

Bloggity blogg blogg. (:

Monday, February 6, 2012

Likes and Dislikes

In AP biology what I am looking forward to is anything to do with animals and evolution and i guess the humans body. I love animals and i kinda always want to know how things work not only in my body but also in general about anything. I want to learn more about evolutions because i dont know much about it and i dont really believe in it on what i do know

What i am least looking forward to is pretty much everything else. I'm not really into learning about fungi, plants and gas exchange. it just doesn't catch my intention but i could end up be wrong and really end up liking thos units. Hope i am.

Bloggity blogg blogg. (:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

First Blog

Hey, it is Carri...
I have fed/kissed a giraffe.
I even go to a super cool school name Sparta.

I am currently in AP Biology. This year is my senior year... I have to confess, I do have senioritis!!
It is very awesome, I spend all day thinking about spring break and GRADUATION!
Nicole and I have wonderful boyfriends. Watch next week we wont have them. Confession of a teenage blogger. Tune in next week! Blogidy Blog Blogg!