Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cell Organelle

At first when I thought about this blog I want to be a cell walls because that is one of a first thing a Sparta student learns about the structure of a plant cell are cell walls and that they are strong and somewhat flexible. I thought that would be most like me because I am one tough cookie and go with the flow and can do a back bend (flexible). Recently I have changed my mind to… Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum because it modifying, sorting, and transporting proteins. I think I would like to modify proteins to my liking, and sorting different proteins seem like it would be an easy job. I also know I would like to transport proteins because in real life I love to travel A LOT and transporting proteins would be like a step under that... you would think, right? The one thing I would not like about being Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum,is looking like it. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum looks old and bumpy, like cracky old hands dipped in oatmeal. 

 Bloggity blogg blogg. (:


  1. I agree that you can be a tough cookie :) but also you do go with the flow. And I liked the image haha the old and bumpy Rough ER haha.

    1. Yes i thought it was pretty good image. it was also the first one to pop up in google images haha

  2. :o We picked the same one!!!! way to go us(: old hands dipped in oatmeal? very random but saweeet!

    1. i thought the old hand dipped in oatmeal was good too. :) it was the cherry on top.

  3. Nice choice. The travelling piece seems to fit well.
